On Student Food Insecurity
- At NYU, more than a fifth of students reported financial hardship affording food in 2018.
- At CUNY, 48 percent of students surveyed in 2019 had been food insecure in the past 30 days.
- A 2019 study indicates that 45 percent of students surveyed from over 100 institutions said they had been food insecure in the past 30 days.
- Use the Share Meals app to find free food and to share meal swipes.
- Find a community fridge near you with this website.
- Visit ACCESS HRA to apply for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP/food stamps)
- NYC Department for the Aging provides home-delivered meals are available for seniors ages 60 years and older who may have disabilities, access, or functional needs.
- Foodbank NYC has an interactive map with providers who have switched to “grab and go” meals and pantry bags to minimize the risk of exposure.
- HungerFree NYC publishes Neighborhood Guides to Food and Assistance”. These guides covers all neighborhoods in NYC by zip code and are available in multiple languages.
- City Harvest rescues excess food and delivers it, free of charge, to community food programs to help feed New Yorkers experiencing food insecurity. Through our nine Mobile Markets, City Harvest distributes fresh produce in all five boroughs.
- NYC Department of Education Free Meals
- Too Good To Go is an app that helps fight food waste by allowing restaurants to sell leftover food at the end of the day for a great deal! There are a ton of different options (baked goods, pizza, sushi, groceries) all for around $3-5.
- Campus Clipper is an awesome resource for student discounts! Check out their account for coupons on food, beauty, and more!
- The Seated App allows you to get up to 90% cash back on restaurant receipts! Check it out if you plan to go out to eat!